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Image result for images of meghan markle and prince harry

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (MSN)

I will write on The Princess of El(l)is, but I can’t resist mentioning Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex.

When I was a child in a very Catholic Quebec, we were taught that one could not speak ill of others. It was called médisance, and it was considered a sin. In fact, my parents would not allow us to engage in any form of gossiping and to judge others. We had to report mistreatment and were protected, but there were rules of conduct.

So, given the education I received, I have looked upon the negative comments about the Duchess of Sussex as uncharitable, and since it has been said, among other falsehoods, that she faked her pregnancy, the word uncharitable fails to describe the villainy of her detractors.

It started with the price of her clothes. As you know, Meghan is African-American, divorced, and a former actress. She may therefore have feared rejection from the Royal family of Britain and fought this fear by dressing impeccably. As a matter of fact, dressing well is expected of Britain’s Royals. Meghan’s beauty and elegance are assets to the Crown, and so is her engaging personality. She may not continue to purchase very expensive clothes at the rate she did, but she is unlikely to stop wearing lovely clothes.

Moreover, given that the Duchess of Sussex was in her mid-thirties and had a successful career when she and Prince Harry met, it was to be expected that she would combine certain personal endeavours and her duties as a Royal.

Meghan may not be perfect. Who is? But those who are defaming her are harming a human being and may destroy their prey, which is very wrong.

I admire Prince Harry and love Meghan’s spontaneity and warmth.


Love to all of you.

Image result for picture of meghan markle

The Duchess of Sussex (Time)

© Micheline Walker
8 October 2019