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The Annunciation, Fra Angelico, 1437-46 (Photo Credit: Wikipedia)

The Annunciation, Fra Angelico, 1437-46 (Photo Credit: Wikipedia)

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award


Thank you Petrel14

First, allow me to thank Petrel14 for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I am truly touched. My WordPress family is very dear to me. The internet is at times inaccessible: it slows down, but it allows communication with people all over the world.

If you haven’t the time to follow the rules, please accept this nomination as an expression of appreciation and love.

My kindest regards to all of you.

The link back to my weblog is: https://michelinewalker.com/

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

The rules of this award are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.

2. Display the award on your post.

3. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.

4. State 7 things about yourself.

5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.

6. Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them. Provide a link to your post.

7. Proudly display the award logo (or buttons) on your blog, whether on your side bar, ABOUT page, or a special page for awards.

Seven things about myself in question form

1. Who is your favourite public figure?

United States President Barack Obama.

2. What do you like most?

Music and the fine arts.

3. Do you follow trends?

Never. I avoid trends.

4. What do you do when someone gets angry?

I leave the room.

5. What have you loved most?

My profession and my Nova Scotia home.

6. Do you have causes?

Yes, peace on earth and the end of poverty.

7. What quality do you admire most?



My nominees

AB: https://abozdar.wordpress.com

Antonio de Simone: https://antodesimone.wordpress.com/

Aquileana: https://aquileana.wordpress.com/

Ashi Akira: https://ashiakira.wordpress.com/

Barbara Monier: https://barbaramonier.wordpress.com/

Bite Size Canada: http://tkmorin.wordpress.com/

Dom di Francesco: http://blackandwrite.net/

Hands on Bowie: https://hopedog.wordpress.com/

Ina Vukic: http://inavukic.com/

JustJan: http://staycationatl.com/

Mélanie Toulouse: http://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/

Paul Militaru: http://photopaulm.com/

Ricercare: https://clodoweg.wordpress.com/

Unclerave: http://unclerave.wordpress.com/

Yvon Préfontaine: http://ivonprefontaine.com/