


The Archangel Raphael (Photo credit: Aleteia)

When pain and anguish wring the brow,
A ministering angel thou!

Sir Walter Scott
Marmion (1808)

Jean-Pierre died this morning.

Last night, the hospital provided little beds so his wife and my niece Marie-France could be with him.

I have now lost 16 siblings. Most died in infancy or early childhood of a congenital blood disease. Yet, we had a happy childhood. My mother was very proud of us. She entered Jean-Pierre in a contest. He won the most beautiful baby of the year award.

Our Belgian friend, Mariette Proumen, and my mother designed and sewed beautiful clothes for us. Mariette had been the wardrobe mistress of the Brussels Opera. Her husband, Henri Proumen, a jeweller, and my father invented a perpetual clock. They were as close as brothers. We learned Belgian French, but we were also students of madame Leclair, the best diction and drama teacher in the province of Quebec.

Life in the red-brick house was the best. We could see forever.

Raphael is the healer among Archangels. He rescued my brother whose death was truly merciful.

I thank all of you for being with me and with Jean-Pierre as he entered eternity.

Love to everyone  💕



Raphael (Google)

© Micheline Walker
13 Octobre 2018