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2-R42-X1-1483-15-1 Botticelli-Werkstatt, Madonna mit Engeln Botticelli, Sandro (eigentl. Alessandro Filipepi) 1445-1510. Werkstatt. 'Maria mit Kind und Engeln', um 1483-85. (Ausschnitt). Tempera auf Pappelholz, Tondo, Durchmes- ser 114,5 cm. Inv.Nr.1133, Wien, Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste. E: Botticelli Workshop / Madonna w.Angels Botticelli, Sandro (origin. Alessandro Filipepi) 1445-1510. Workshop. 'Mary with the Child and angels', c.1483-85. (Detail). Tempera on poplar, tondo, diameter 114.5cm. Inv.no.1133, Vienna, Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste. F: Botticelli/Atelier/Vierge a l'Enfant Botticelli Sandro , Alessandro Filipepi, dit , 1445-1510. Atelier. -'Vierge a l'Enfant', v. 1483-85. - (Detail). Detrempe sur bois de peuplier. Tondo, diametre : 1,145. Inv.Nr.1133, Vienne, Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste.

Vierge à l’enfant by Sandro Botticelli (Pinterest)

I am using a new computer. Although I said I was buying a new computer a few months ago, I repaired the old one and continued using it until it perished. However, I am making mistakes. For instance, I erased the article I posted yesterday, but I had a copy of it. In the meantime, I accidentally posted an article containing the Marian Antiphons. This is a post I intended to use. It was published in 2011.

Marian Antiphons

My article on Candlemas was first posted in 2012. As for my post on the Marian Antiphons, it was published in 2011. On Candlemas, the seasonal antiphon (une antienne) is the Ave Regina Cælorum. It will be used until Good Friday.

We are somewhat late, but keeping up to date.

Love to everyone 

Sandro Botticelli con Vivaldi


© Micheline Walker
4 February 2017

Sandro Botticelli