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Irises, by Vincent van GoghIris, by Vincent van Gogh, 1889
Photo credit: Wikimedia
Vincent van Gogh (30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890)

Thank You “dearkitty”

To my surprise, I was also nominated for the Liebster Award.  For this nomination, I have dearkitty to thank.  Thank you dearkitty.  May life be generous to you.



About myself

1.  I go to bed early and rise early.

2.  I miss my mother.  She died in 2003.

3.  Privacy is important to me.

4.  I wanted to be an architect.

5.  I need a room of my own.

6.  I do my best to understand others, but I do not understand extremist Republicans.

7.  If something is broken, I get it fixed quickly.

8.  I pray for peace on earth.

9.  Home is my centre.

10. I enjoy doing watercolours, drawing, listening to music…

11. I believe we should all respect one another.

My Answers are

1.  Have you ever seen a dinosaur in a museum?


2.  If so, what species was it?

I didn’t visit a dinosaur museum.

3.  Which person, dead now, would you like to meet, if it would be possible?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

4.  Which person, dead now, would you not like to meet, even if it would be possible?

Adolf Hitler.

5.  What is your favourite city?

Paris, France.

6.  What is your favourite area of natural beauty?

An enclosed garden in Countainville, Normandy.

7.  What is your favourite painting?

“Vase of Flowers with Fruit,” by Jacques-André Portail.

8.  What is your favourite sculpture?

Psyche revived by Cupid’s Kiss, by Antonio Canova

9. If you could travel in a spacecraft, to where in space would you like to go?


10. What is your favourite food?


11. What was/is your favourite subject at school?


My  Eleven Questions

1.  If you have or had a cat, do  you or would you allow the cat to walk on the countertop?

2.  Do you manage to fill every hour of the day, except sleeping hours?

3.  Have you travelled to one of the Greek Islands?

4.  What do you fear most?

5.  Who is your favourite detective: Hercule Poirot, Columbo, or… ?

6.  Does it upset you to share a meal with a noisy eater: slurps, talks with food in mouth… ?

7.  How often do you take a walk?

8.  Do you watch “Dancing with the Stars” (US television)?

9.  Has something happened to you that remains a secret?

10. If I say “green,” what comes to your mind?

11. Have you read Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina?

My Nominees are

Please do not feel you have to accept this nomination.  It seems to me that you should be able simply to let people know you have been nominated.  My wish is to let my readers know just how much they mean to me and that I love them all, as do their WordPress colleagues.

1.  CollTales

2.  louvain95

3.  teapartyslayer

4.  iamforchange’s blog

5.  silkannthreades

6.  Bite Size Canada

7.  Writing Between the Lines

8.  Kate Shrewsday

9.  Clanmother

10. Stefania’s

11. Northierthanthou

Francis Poulenc (7 January 1899 – 30 January 1963 [France])
Sonate pour flûte (2nd mvt)
Emmanuel Pahud, flute (b. 1970)
Eric Le Sage, piano (b. 1964)


© Micheline Walker
10 June 2013
Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries,
by Vincent van Gogh, 1888
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)