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Illumination from the Ashmole Bestiary

Illumination from the Ashmole Bestiary, Monoceros and Bear (Folio21r)

We have seen Books of Hours and I provided a list of other illuminated manuscripts, most of which are liturgical and/ or devotional.  However, we will now be looking at allegories called Bestiaries.  In Bestiaries, an animal stands for jealousy, virginity, evil, aspects of love, depending on the subject of the masnuscripts.

So there are areas of illuminated manuscripts

We will concentrate on

We already have a post on the Phœnix (listed below) and a very short post on the Aberdeen Bestiary, the richest illuminated bestiary, and at the same time we will look at the history of printing and the history of books.  We know that illuminations became our illustrations, common in children’s literature.  We also know that medieval calligraphy gave us many of the fonts we still use, but there are other elements.


From Bestiaries to… Harry Potter (29 October 2011)
The Phœnix: on the Importance of Symbols and Myths (2 February 2012)
The Dragon East & West (4 February 2012)


© Micheline Walker
20 February 2013
Ashmole Bestiary, The Unicorn
(Please click on the picture to enlarge it.)  
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